Episode 43 – Singer Songwriter Preproduction




In this episode Dris discusses some best practices for people to use when producing their own music.  This approach blends art, science, and technology to help the songwriter complete their musical visions as best as possible.

Episode 40 – The Mighty Detail




There is great power in detail.  Both the power to perfect and the power to distract.  The difference between good and great is often a matter of how much attention and time on perfecting.  There is a point though where what is important becomes lost if perfection becomes the primary goal.  “Can’t see the forest for the trees.”

Episode 39 – Video Fail Learnings




In this episode Dris talks about the things he has learned while trying out video podcasting.  In theory it is not that hard but there are some things to think about that might not be so obvious.  Gear aside, there are other things that one has to take into consideration when deciding to go video.  Sometimes its the right move and sometimes its not.  Whether the Working Musicians Podcast goes that direction is unknown at the moment as Dris has to ask himself the big question.  Is video the right direction for the show?

Episode 38 – Starting a Band


Starting a band can be fun but difficult.  In this episode Dris talks about some of the things people should think about when starting a band.  From the outside looking in it doesn’t seem like a hard thing to figure out but once the band is formed the problems become apparent very quickly.  Bottom line is that in order to be a successful band a lot of work has to be put into it and it never ends.  The problem lies when the fun ends and the members have to start putting in the work necessary to make the band grow.



Episode 36 – Mixing Strategies




Part science part art.  There are many ways to go about mixing music.  There are, however, a few generally understand ways to go about mixing.  While no 2 mixers do things the same way you may be surprised to find that when you think about it mixers fall into a few categories or styles.  This is not an inside the box vs outside the box debate.  It is more a dialogue as to when and where the mixer applies compression and how they go about balancing their mix in relation to using effects to sweeten and glue their individual tracks together.

Epidode 35 – Your Legacy



In this Episode Dris talks about your legacy as a musician, performer, and artist.  A look into what will define you and the things a musician needs to think about when looking into their words, antics, and advertising.  Is the image you post today something you are going to be proud of today or will it embarrass.  How far can you stray from reality or will your reality define you?  See what I did there….see what I did.